Tuesday 22 October 2013

My point.

The point that I intend on getting across within this video is that the environment plays a big role in out health and wellbeing yet we don't care for it.  I have read numerous articles on the Internet that state how important the land is to our health, and that the environment good or bad can alter our way of living.

I want to make this video show people that we shouldn't accept a poor quality of the land and environment around us. We should look for the good. With as little as three minutes a day dramatically altering our mood and making people happier, why would you not want to see the good.

However, this video will show the not so good of my surrounding area, but the point will be that it shouldn't be accepted and we should try change it.

The area in which I have focused on is a council owned area and should therefore be taken care of regularly. In actual fact, no care has been taken of it in a long time, it's over grown and full of rubbish that people have chucked on the floor - pollution. The environment is being polluted every single day.

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