Friday 18 October 2013

A big influence!?

Ansel Adams is a photographer that I have taken a lot of inspiration from, I always find myself linking back to his work and my main interest lies with nature and landscape photography, and I have a keen interest in showing people the beauty of the landscape and the things that are out there to be seen if you take the time to explore- similar to that of Adams.

I feel that this is my main intention with the project. I want to produce something that shows people what there is out there to be seen - nature and landscape based. To show them the natural beauty that is there right in front of them and if they took the time to they could experience it for themselves.

I have said previously that it is proven that spending time amongst nature is better for you health, this is something that got backed up whilst i was reading and article online ( This article stated thats spending as little at three minutes with contact to nature and have an impact on your emotions, reduce stress, anger and fear and boost the pleasant and good feelings that we have.

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