Like i have mentioned previously one of the most interacting things that i have found is that as little as 3 minutes a day can alter someones mood and way of thinking. It is natural for us, as humans to seek areas that have certain qualities to them - areas that are better taken care of and look nicer and cleaner.
"Just like a mirror, what you do in the outside will affect what happens to you in the inside."
Article Source:
"What about stress?
Perhaps most importantly for health, the environment can create or reduce stress, which in turn impacts our bodies in multiple ways. This is because our brain and our nervous, endocrine, and immune systems are constantly interacting. As neuroscientist Candice Pert puts it, "What you are thinking at any moment is changing your biochemistry."Thus, the stress of a noisy, confusing hospital room might result in a patient not only feeling worried, sad, or helpless, but experiencing higher blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension. In addition, hormones released in response to the emotional stress could suppress the patient's immune system, causing his wounds to heal more slowly.
Stress is an important medical consideration, and creating an environment that reduces stress is a key piece of improving health outcomes."
Similarly, in an article that I came across this morning it stated that being amongst nature is something that is very good for us as humans, we need that time spend with nature to help us feel more at home with ourselves.
Another thing that is important to know about the environment and the areas in which we live in is they can drastically affect out health and lifestyle. If you live somewhere that is well build up and industrialized you are at risk from the pollution that is in the air, your life span can be dramatically altered by the type of lifestyle that you have.
"Outdoor Air Quality -
Poor air quality is linked to premature death, cancer, and long-term damage to respiratory and cardiovascular systems. "
"Why Is Environmental Health Important?
Maintaining a healthy environment is central to increasing quality of life and years of healthy life. Globally, nearly 25 percent of all deaths and the total disease burden can be attributed to environmental factors.1 Environmental factors are diverse and far reaching. They include:- Exposure to hazardous substances in the air, water, soil, and food
- Natural and technological disasters
- Physical hazards
- Nutritional deficiencies
- The built environment
We are a lot more at risk today than people were a few hundred years ago, mainly due to the amount of chemicals and things that are now being used on a daily basis that are causing pollution.
People don't seem to realise the effect that the environment has on our health, i don't think that many people look at it in that way, they just pass it by everyday and don't really give it a thought. In some respects i do the same thing, i look around me and think that it is all normal, this is where i live and it is what it is. But that is not really the case - which it the whole intention of this video.
Having just read something on my local councils website I am a little bit mislead as to what their intention is with the natural environment, they have written about them taking full care of the local areas and making sure that people get fined and such for littering and vandalizing but this is not something that i have ever seen taken place around my area, in fact it really seems like they just don't care about this areas purely because it is not central. But that shouldn't be the case they should be caring for all of the borough and not just the area that they feel need or should get the most attention or all of the attention. People still have to live in these areas and they are becoming polluted due to what is going on and the fact that the area is not taken care of it is starting to become really run down and very unattractive to look at, i dislike seeing what i see everyday and this is the area in which i have to live, it should be taken care of rather that mistreated.
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